3 Real Ways To Make Money Online

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You’ve heard all the sales pitches for various books, CD-Roms, DVD’s, and other materials that will supposedly turn you into a genius when it comes to making money online. Perhaps you’ve even invested in some of these items to find that they are full of useless information or only teach basic techniques that you already knew. What you’d like to know is how you can really make money online, without a huge investment or getting caught in a pyramid scam.

Images from makeuseof.com

1. Advertisement programs
Advertisement programs are available all over the internet. How can they help you make money? In this instance, your job is to build a website based on a particular topic, product, or service. Once you’ve published the website, you can sign up with any number of pay-per-click services that will then populate your web page with advertisements. Others who are paying for those ads on a pay-per-click basis literally fund your paycheck. Every time they pay their invoice for clicks on their ads, a percentage will come to you. Imagine building a few small, basic websites with keyword density that will attract lots of traffic and then sitting back to wait for the money to start coming in.

2. Internet Sales
While there are several avenues down which you can pursue internet sales, there are some ways that are smarter than others. When first beginning your pursuit of internet sales, you will need either a product or service that does not draw too much from your pocketbook. Buying a bulk product for discounted rates and reselling those items individually could be a way to break into the market. You can either set up a website from which to sell your product or services, or you can sell from internet auction sites. Many people have made quite a large sum of money selling products on auction sites. If you take into account the fees you will have to pay, the shipping costs, and the materials cost, setting your price at a level to return a reasonable profit, you can have an internet auction sales business that is highly successful. Another way to attract business is to have a unique offering, whether it is a service or product, that few or no other sellers are offering.

3. Wholesaling
Perhaps you’ve been frustrated in the past by having to go to several different places to collect parts and pieces for a project. You want to customize your car, but you have to go to one dealer for wheels, another for body parts, and someone else for paint or decals. Becoming a wholesales means utilizing the ability to purchase wholesale from suppliers and resell the items in question as complete sets. This can be a lucrative business venture because you sell everything as a package, giving you the ability to mark up the price to earn a profit, as well as offering customers the chance to purchase everything they need in one place, meaning greater satisfaction and more return customers.
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